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Condom Alternatives to Have Safe Sex

Condom Alternatives

Sex – Let’s talk condom alternatives

Many eyebrows are raised when we use the word “SEX”. This is nothing but the feeling that we have for the opposite or the same gender. One might want to touch or stimulate to get in the mood. Sex is not just intercourse; it is everything that makes you feel sexual. People do indulge in various sexual activities for showing their love and compassion, desires, relieving stress, to have kids etc etc.
At the same point of time while individuals get in the frequency and the mood of having sex or just I should say intercourse – they forget some important pointers. Points which can help them have safer sexual intercourse and lead a healthy life. Usually, either of the partners do not wish to include a condom during their session and the reason being”

  • Allergy
  • No Sensitivity
  • Use of specific lubes
  • Doesn’t guarantees the effectiveness

There are more reasons for not using a condom which we will cover the next time, for now we will tell you know some of the condom alternatives to have a safer sex “Without using a Condom”.

  • Fertile days – You and your partner need to keep a track of the menstrual cycle and the most fertile days, this can lead to pregnancy – just avoid intercourse during that time
  • Birth control patches – These are somewhat like small bandages which can be put on any part of body but on a clean skin – it can be your upper arm/back, shoulders or butt and even your stomach. The combination which are used in birth control pills are used in these patches, and that helps to block the ovaries from releasing the eggs.
  • Birth control pills –These pills are the easiest way as said by many who do not wish to get pregnant. Oral pills control does not let your body to get in ovulation mode. Also, it creates thick mucus which prevents the sperms to travel directly to uterus.
  • Cervical cap – This is inserted inside the vagina before intercourse. It blocks the sperms as well.
  • Injections/Shots – These injections are effective but you need to see the doctor once for 12 weeks in a stretch.
  • Surgeries – You need to go under a knife for this. Don’t worry – this is a safest mean again. Either of the partners can opt for it, unless you wish to have kids later.
  • Surgical implants – There are certain implants available with your doctors which can be inserted in your body and that stays for minimum 3 yrs or little more time and avoids unplanned pregnancies
  • A pull out method – That’s fancy! A pull out method is pulling out the penis just before you ejaculate. If done properly and consciously, it won’t make your partner pregnant.
  • Penis Sleeves – So this is used to increase the girth and length of a penis. It can also be stated as one of the condoms alternatives. As the name states, this acts as a cover for your soldier. Penis sleeves are designed for increasing the pleasure while you have sexual intercourse. Not only it helps you to stay longer but it gives a higher intimacy to the partner.

There are many other ways to enjoy sex without using a condom but the above measures does not guarantee that it those wont fail.

It is absolutely okay if you do not wish to wear a condom but it when you want to explore the alternatives to condom and feel that you want to get back to basics, condoms are your best friend!

People have different preferences and they often go with fun bit and want to explore more. Do remember that when it comes to you and your partner – safety is utmost important and can’t be compromised.

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