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How to last longer in bed according to Ayurveda?

How to last longer in bed according to Ayurveda

Here are some Ayurvedic practices that are believed to help improve sexual stamina and last longer in bed:

  • Diet: Eating a balanced diet that includes foods that are rich in nutrients, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats, can help improve overall health and support sexual function.
  • Herbs: Certain herbs, such as ashwagandha and shilajit, are believed to help enhance energy levels and support sexual stamina.
  • Exercise: Regular physical activity, such as yoga and cardio exercises, can help increase energy levels and improve overall health, which can in turn support sexual stamina.
  • Stress management: Chronic stress can take a toll on sexual health and performance. Incorporating stress management techniques, such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises, into your daily routine can help promote relaxation and support sexual stamina.
  • Pelvic floor exercises: Strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor can help improve sexual control and potentially increase sexual stamina.

It’s important to keep in mind that individual health conditions and needs may vary, and seeking guidance from an Ayurvedic practitioner can help determine the best course of treatment for you.

Also read: Can certain exercises really lead to better sex?

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