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How to Delay Ejaculation

How to Delay Ejaculation

There are several techniques that men can try to delay ejaculation and improve sexual endurance, including:

  1. The “stop-start” technique: This technique involves stimulating the penis until you feel close to ejaculating, then stopping until the sensation passes. This can be repeated several times before ejaculating.
  2. The “squeeze” technique: This technique involves squeezing the head of the penis just below the glans (the tip) when you feel close to ejaculating. This can help reduce the sensation and delay ejaculation.
  3. Kegel exercises: These exercises help strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, which can improve sexual control and help delay ejaculation.
  4. Using a thicker condom: A thicker condom can help reduce sensitivity and delay ejaculation
  5. Practicing relaxation techniques: Techniques such as deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation can help reduce anxiety and improve control over ejaculation.

It is important to note that these techniques may not work for everyone and that individual results may vary. It is also important to communicate with a partner about any concerns or issues related to ejaculation.

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