
Yoga for Premature Ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction: An Alternative Approach

Sexual dysfunctions such as premature ejaculation (PE) and erectile dysfunction (ED) can have a significant impact on men’s lives and relationships. While there are conventional treatments available, many men prefer to explore alternative approaches, such as yoga. Yoga has been shown to have numerous health benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety, which are often underlying causes of PE and ED.

Here, we will explore some of the yoga poses that have been shown to be beneficial for men with PE and ED.

  1. The Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

The cobra pose is a gentle backbend that can help improve circulation to the genital area, which is important for maintaining erections. This pose can also help relieve stress and anxiety, which are common causes of PE and ED. To perform the cobra pose, lie on your stomach with your hands under your shoulders and your elbows close to your sides. Push up into a backbend, keeping your elbows close to your sides and your shoulders relaxed. Hold for five to ten breaths, then release.

  1. The Cat-Cow Stretch (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana)

The cat-cow stretch is a gentle, flowing movement that can help improve circulation, reduce stress and anxiety, and stretch the lower back, hips, and pelvic region. This pose is particularly beneficial for men with PE and ED, as it can help release tension in the pelvic region and improve blood flow to the genital area. To perform the cat-cow stretch, start on your hands and knees with your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. As you inhale, arch your back and lift your tailbone, bringing your gaze up to the ceiling. As you exhale, round your spine, tucking your chin to your chest and bringing your tailbone towards your knees. Repeat for several breaths, moving smoothly between the two poses.

  1. The Happy Baby Pose (Ananda Balasana)

The happy baby pose is a gentle hip opener that can help relieve tension in the pelvic region and improve circulation to the genital area. This pose can also help reduce stress and anxiety, which are common causes of PE and ED. To perform the happy baby pose, lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet towards your buttocks. Reach up and grab the outside edges of your feet with your hands. Gently pull your knees towards your armpits, keeping your feet hip-distance apart. Hold for five to ten breaths, then release.

  1. The Child’s Pose (Balasana)

The child’s pose is a gentle, restorative pose that can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve circulation, and relieve tension in the lower back and pelvic region. This pose is particularly beneficial for men with PE and ED, as it can help release tension in the pelvic region and improve blood flow to the genital area. To perform the child’s pose, start on your hands and knees with your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Lower your hips back towards your heels and extend your arms in front of you. Hold for five to ten breaths, then release.

In conclusion, yoga offers a holistic approach to managing PE and ED, by addressing the underlying causes of these conditions such as stress, anxiety, and tension in the pelvic region. While these yoga poses are gentle and safe, it’s always best to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new exercise program. Additionally, it’s important to work with a qualified yoga instructor to ensure proper alignment and to avoid injury.


  1. International Journal of Yoga
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